Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You Can Put Lipstick On a Nazi, But.......

The photo is from the film "Triumph of Will," by Leni Reifenstahl. Reifenstahl was one of Hitler's favorite Nazis, as well as being an accomplished film-maker.

The torchlit parade seen here was the culmination of the Nazis' assimilation of power; "Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Furher"...one nation, one people, one leader.

So why would this come to me now? Because the McCain/Palin campaign is using the same playbook of Adolph Hitler. Steve at "Out Of The Bingo Ditch" once related a law professor who said, "If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have the truth on your side, pound the truth. If you have neither, then pound the table."

There is a lot of table-pounding going on, and this is not politics as usual. No, the last few days are revealing something about modern America that is scary as hell. So far, in response to the drumbeats of Palin and McCain has generated shouts from their rallies that included the words "Terrorist!", "Kill him!", and "Treason!" The McCain campaign is inciting violence against a candidate for the presidency of the United States. Used to be against the law.

But, after the last eight years "the law" is apparently a very flexible thing. Perhaps, like after defending the Confederate flag in South Carolina, John McCain will apologize for lying; for betraying his precious "principles" to win an election.The fact that it might result in the death or maiming of Barack Obama would never, of course, be his responsibility. Nor Palin's; after all, she's only been at this what, five weeks? Totalitarian tactics don't need a lot of practice.

It should be borne in mind that the Bush years, or the Rove years, if you will, have gone way beyond polarizing the populace of America. No, they have been teaching the sweet scent of intolerance of others; of that wonderful feeling of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with another soldier of righteousness. Compromise, reason, honor, patriotism....all are perverted into only one interpretation. Everyone not like us is an enemy, not a fellow countryman.

This disturbs me the most about Sarah Palin's latest rounds of invective. She is actually telling listeners, over and over, that Obama/Biden are not "real" Americans. Anyone with any semblance of education, life experience, or just plain intelligence would recognize the fact that there are many people out there just waiting for guidance to violence. It is dangerous, disingenuous, and frankly, un-American.

On a personal note, I've reached the limit of John McCain's constant referral to his POW years. ("Now goshdarnit, John, there ya go, talkin' about the past again"). Two of my uncles were prisoners of the Japanese for three and one half years. Rats and rice were a delicacy for them. They were starved, beaten, worked as slaves, tortured...and so on. I don't know how they survived, but they did return home (unlike 40% of Japanese POW's who did NOT) to learn that their brother had died the previous year fighting the Nazis.

I'll never forget what one uncle told me growing up,"Don't ever trust a government. They are designed to lie no matter what. But, always respect and love the flag. Too much has been sacrificed for it." Wise words, I think, and the man who told me this was a man of honor, through and through. He was a Republican; a very honorable one til the day he died in 1986. May he rest in peace, for I sure do miss him.

And I really miss the party he once belonged to. I think it died this year.

Monday, October 6, 2008

John McCain: Meet Some Of Your Fundamentals

Forest City is one of those places in western North Carolina that does not evoke images of much. Primarily because no one has ever heard of it. Nearby is Lake Lure and Chimney Rock, and that's about it. It is, however, a nice place to live; one of those "small towns" with matching "values" that the McCain campaign is quick to extoll, thanks to the Embarracuda, Sarah Palin.

There are no hockey moms or soccer moms. Maybe a bunch of Joe six-packs. It is the essence of what the Republican Party refers voters to when complaining about the evils of liberalism.

But....Forest City was also once a hub of textile activity. After NAFTA the area was devastated by plant closings. One by one the jobs (and machinery) made fast exits for China and Mexico. One remained however. National Textiles (Haynes Brand) still chugged along. In the Fall and Winter, one could see the plume of steam from the National Textiles plant rise in the clear sky. It was like the last candle burning on the cake.

Two weeks ago the evening shift was called together at 8 p.m. The plant was closing. The machinery was going to be relocated to Honduras. Good luck and don't let the door hit you on your unemployed ass. 500 people have been tossed onto the globalization bonfire, but that's small potatos, I guess. But in a small town, that's 500 families, 500 car payments, 500 mortgages. Anyone who has undergone this can relate to the rather implausible future that requires one to adjust from say $17.00 per hour at 40 hours a week to the Walmartized standard of $7.00 with no more than 32 hours a week.

This happened because of the 2005 Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA. So I did a little digging, and this bill passed with a razor thin margin in the House, and by a 55-45 vote in the Senate. The votes were as follows:

Voting in favor:

Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)
Richard Burr (R-NC)

Voting against:

Barack Obama (D-IL)
Joe Biden (D-DE)

Now maybe the adults among those 500 families, tossed into the wilderness by the above votes, will go for McCain because Sarah Palin is cute; winks good, and promises "change." They may, as is the pattern, fall for the "re-education required" to get themselves "decent" jobs in the future. And hey, they are part of the strong "fundamentals" that McCain/Palin insist are strong.

Three weeks from the election and they are getting all the "education" they need. And it's real simple:

Their votes are needed to stop "radicals" like Obama and Biden from winning this election. After that, they won't be needed for anything.